We knew that land once, You and I, and once wandered there in the long days now gone by...

There was neither night nor day, an ever~eve of glooming light, when first there glimmered into sight The Cottage Of Lost Play. New~built it was, yet very old, white and thatched with straw of gold, and pierced with peeping lattices that looked toward the sea; and our own childrens' garden~plots were there; our own forget~me~nots, red daisies, cress and mustard, and radishes for tea. There all the borders, trimmed with box, were filled with favourite flowers, with phlox, with lupins, pinks, and hollyhocks, beneath a red may~tree; and all the gardens full of folk that their own little language spoke, but not to You and Me. ~ J. R. R. Tolkien

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pussy Willow wakened from her cozy winter nap...

for the frolicking breeze, on her door would tap.
"It is chilly weather, though the sun feels good; I will wrap up warmly and wear my furry hood."
Mistress Pussy Willow opened wide her door; Never had the sunshine seemed so bright before. Never had the brooklet seemed so full of cheer;
"Good Morning Pussy Willow, Welcome to you dear!"
Never guest was quainter, than when Pussy came to town, in her hood of silver and tiny coat of brown. Happy little children cried with laugh and shout, "SPRING is coming, coming, Mistress Pussy Willow's out!"

Thank you for fluttering by ~*~*~*~**~
May your day be filled with Nature's Delights!